Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Ravenclaw Homework

Spell Creation: Come up with an incantation for the following situations.
1- A fellow classmate never lets you speak in a conversation. What incantation do you mutter under your breath? What happens to your classmate when you say the incantation?

Instant Chewing gun - gum magically appears in my classmate's mouth forcing htem to chew and thus be quiet

2- You’ve just entered a Muggle city in complete wizard clothing and a restroom cannot be found to change out of your outfit. What charm or spell do you say to change what you are wearing?

Muggulum transforum

3- You are riding a bicycle along on a country road and suddenly notice your tire is flat and needs air. What spell do you perform to give your tire air?

Fuffus pisceasum - creates a puffer fish that breathes air into the tire

4- You are reading a valuable and one-of-a-kind book, and, quite unusually, you’ve left your quills and parchment in the dorm. You only have your wand for assistance. Create a spell for highlighting or remembering the important pieces of text without harming the book.

Standoutus illuminatus - highlights with glowing light and the lines follow me back to my room where i can move them onto a piece of parchment

Muggle Studies: Write a small paragraph about the following objects. What are they used for? Do you have any personal experience with them?

the first item appears to be a small upside down boat of some sort. I have never really seen anythign like that. The second item is i believe a small automobile, for young muggles to learn to drive. I think the bag attached to it is for carrying parcels around. The third item is clearly an implement of tourchure, for cutting off fingers, i would guess of theves. It must be very old as i did not think muggles did this anymore. The last times looks like a plucked broom, but i know ti to be a baseball bat. Even wizards in America play that game. Though the only reason i know of this is from when i researched my famouth american relative.

Magical Clubs and Associations: Use your creativity to tell us what the following clubs/associations are based on their acronyms. Is the club/association open to all? Members only? Requirements to belong? Have some creative and clever fun with this. Elaborate as you wish!
1- The HAGS association - humans against giant slugs
2- The club of SQUEALers - Southern Quidditch under Early Antler Losers
3- The THE club - Time Hackers Elite
4- The association of FIRE and ICE - Free Irridescent Ring Eaters and International Circus Elks

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