Monday, February 9, 2009

Week 2 Homework

Ravenclaw Week 2 Assignment
1- What form does your Patronus take? What does it symbolize for you?
My Patronus is a lynx.  lithe, powerful but still cute.

2- Did you bring a cat, an owl, a toad, or other pet with you? What is their name?
I brought an owl, Apollo with me.  

3- What is your favorite class here at Hogwarts?
So far, i think it is DADA :)

4- What is worth sneaking out of the castle for, even if you got caught?
Helping a friend.

5- What has made you laugh so hard that you've had butterbeer come out your nose?
Well, there was that one time that I was sittign there minding my own business, and this little kid comes up his mum and says "Mum, what's a muggle?"  really loudly. His mum was SO embarassed, and it was waaay funny

6- What yarn do you covet? Link please...

7- What is your favorite flavor... the one thing you could simply not live without? Is brand important?
Hmm... mushroom cream sauce.  Homemade

8- How many HSKS terms have you participated in?
This is my first one

9- Do you have a birthday, anniversary or other big Muggle event during this year at Hogwarts? If yes, please tell us what.
My birthday is in March (the 9th) :)

10- You in 5 words.
Hmm... Clever, loyal, competent, oppinionated, hopeful


  1. OMG, now I am HUNGRY! Mushroom cream sauce!!

    Ooh, and we'll have to celebrate your birthday this term. Woo hoo!

  2. Yay! Happy Early Birthday!!

    And, I can't imagine *why* you'd love DADA. :P lol

  3. OOh! Birthdays are so fun! :) They're a big deal in our house. We just don't have any to celebrate this term.

  4. YAY! For having a birthday this swap. :)

    My brother named his dog Apollo. But I think it's a better name for your owl than his dog. LOL

  5. I know! Aren't those yarns just so gorgeous?! And now I'm wishing I had a way to sample this homemade mushroom cream sauce of which you sounds tasty!

  6. Oooo... mushroom cream sauce... I should have remembered that... a girl cannot live on chocolate alone. Although I'm sure I'd love to give it a shot!

  7. Yay another birthday! There are going to be a lot of parties in our common room this term!

  8. That yarn is so pretty! Do you have a favorite colorway? Can't wait to celebrate your birthday!
